Sunday, October 21, 2012

October Rush

Weekends just are not long enough!
Between the things you need to do and the things you want to do there just are not enough hours in the day. And, when the days are as beautiful as they have been this weekend you just want them to go on.
As promised in my last blog entry here are a few pictures of the treasure we "acquired" at the antique market.  Can you tell I'm still feeling a little badly?  I can't wait to find a use for them.  Something a little more industrial maybe or adding them to a vintage piece not yet imagined yet.

Aren't they wonderful!  Oh the possibilities!

One of my coworkers asked for a birthday card for her daughter.  Using my favorite Graphic45 paper, again, and my new found love of step cards, here is what I created.

With Amber and Claire living with us I wanted to be sure we had some Halloween decor up this year.  So, yesterday I started on a project idea I saw on Pinterest.  I didn't have all the pieces of the original (not for not trying...drove around looking for a wooden crate for an hour on Saturday) display but I think mine has my own flair.  Claire gave it the "It's not to scary" nod of approval.

What started out as a little bit of decorating ended up being a little bit of decorating and a lot of cleaning out the flower beds in the front of the house!  I actually ran out of day light!  But boy do they look a lot better.  Now I have the itch to plant some bulbs.  Hope I can do that before the first freeze.

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